La meva princesa gran ja un parell d’anys que passa per una
etapa rosa severa. Li agrada portar roba de princesa; faldilles i vestits “que
volin”, samarretes roses (res de bluses amb botons; els botons no els pot ni
veure!), abrics o jaquetes roses, sabates roses (les “fifis totals” les tinc
prohibides), els pantalons només se’ls posa quan no queden faldilles netes, de
tant en tant canvia el rosa pel lila però no té gaire variació... Viu en un món
de princeses i parla per telèfon amb les princeses Disney!
En fi, tot plegat és molt enfarfegador, ensucrat... etc però
crec que és millor que passi per aquesta etapa que no pas que quedi frustrada
com jo; la meva mare em comprava la roba que li agradava i que ella considerava
que em quedava bé (jo era una nena “pleneta”) i puntu. Així que, quan vaig
poder començar a triar el que em volia posar i com volia pentinar-me va haver d’aguantar
una trena llarga una bona temporada. Encara recordo la frustració que em va
provocar, quan un any per carnestoltes no em vaig poder disfressar de ballerina
perquè el tutú “em quedava fatal”. En definitiva, si la meva filla és feliç
vestint de color rosa, amb vestits i faldilles i sabates ensucrades, jo no seré
qui li digui que no, tot dintre d’un límit és clar, perquè hi ha roba de princeses
horrorosa; però sempre trobem alguna peça de roba que ens agrada a totes dues
Aquest cap de setmana, la seva padrineta li ha fet un
super-regal; unes sabates de princesa!! A que són “moníssimes”?!
**My big princess since the last two years goes through a “severe pink stage”. She loves wearing princesses clothes; skirts and dresses “that fly”, pink T-shirts (nothing to do with bluses with buttons; she can’t stand them!), pink coats or jackets, pink shoes (“total freaky” ones are forbidden), she only wears trousers when tere are no more clean clothes left, from time to time she changes pink for lilac but there’s no much variation... She lives in a world of princesses and speaks on the phone with Disney princesses!
It is all
very “sweetening”, “pink-annoying”... but I think that is better for her to go
through this stage that remaining frustrated as I was as little girl; my mother
bought me the clothes that she liked and that she considered that fitted me
well (I was a chubby girl) and that was all. So, when I began to choose what I wanted
to wear or how I wanted my hair she had to bear a long plait for a long season.
Still I remember the frustration that caused me a year for carnival, I could
not disguise as ballerina because the tutu “fit me so bad”. So, if my daughter
is happy dressed in pink colour, with “sweetening” dresses and skirts and shoes,
I will not tell her not do do so, within a limit of course, because there are some
horrible princesses clothes as well; but we always find some clothes that like
us both ;-)
This weekend, her godmother gave her a super-gift;
a pair of princesses shoes!! Aren’t they so cute?!