Avui és un dia
trist per la meva filla; ella no ho sap però l’any vinent quan comenci l’escola
ja no trobarà la cara i el somriure amics de la Sara, la seva mestra.
Tot just ahir,
vaig saber que se li acabava el contracte i que l’any vinent ja no seria la
mestra de la meva filla. Uf, em devia quedar amb cara d’ensurt com a mínim!
Després em va venir tota la tristor del món en pensar que la Sara ja no serà
amb els “seus nens” perquè ja es veu de seguida que els agafa, abraça i educa
amb amor... Quan cada matí, l’Anna arriba a l’escola, la Sara li diu un “Bon
dia Anna!” i la meva filla para els braços perquè la Sara l’agafi a coll.
Passat el primer
moment de pànic, tristor i plorera (em confesso) vaig decidir que amb el poc
temps que tenia, dues horetes quan les meves filles s’haguessin posat al llit,
havia de fer-li un detallet a la Sara per agrair-li tot l’amor i esforç que ha
posat aquest any a la Classe dels Pollets 2012-2013.
Aquí en teniu el
resultat; un petit quadern amb 4 fotos de l’Anna i un text d’agraïment i un coixí
cervical que tenia mig començat, que espero que faci les seves delícies!
Today is a
sad day for my daughter, she doesn’t know about it, but next year when she will
start at the nursey school she will no longer find the friendly face and smile of
Sarah, her mistress.
yesterday, I was told that the employment contract she had will end and no
longer be renewed, so she would also no longer be the teacher of my daughter.
Ugh, I was surely facing panic at least! After that first shock, all the
sadness in the world came to me, while thinking of Sarah no longer looking
after "their children"; “their” because you can see right away that she
embraces and teaches them with love ... Every morning, when Anna arrives at the
school, Sarah welcomes her with a "Hello Anna!" and my daughter opens
her arms waiting for Sarah to embrace her.
After this
first moment of panic, sadness and tears (I confess) I decided, that I had to give Sarah a little present to thank
her for all the love and effort she has put on this year's class Pollets
2012-2013. With the little time I had, just two hours before going to bed and
after my daughters got asleep, here is the result: a small notebook with 4 photographs
of Anna and some text and a neck pillow I had already began,which I hope will make
her happy!