No m'ho puc ni creure!... Aquesta setmana passada he rebut
Primer me'l va donar la Jana de Simplement Moments i després, dues vegades, la Núria de Patch & Words, la meva companya de Patch. Moltíssimes gràcies a totes dues per haver pensat en mi i en aquest raconet que fa poc que ha canviat d'adreça!!
Doneu una ullada als dos blogs perquè són dues persones que tenen coses boniques per explicar i ensenyar!!
El premi consisteix en:
- Anomenar i agraïr el premi a la persona que te l'ha concedit.
- Enumerar 11 coses sobre tu per conèixe't millor.
- Respondre a les 11 preguntes que se't formulen.
- Formular 11 preguntes a les blogeres que premies.
- Concedir el premi a 11 blocs que t'agradin, que estiguin començant i que
tinguin menys de 200 seguidores.
- Visitar els blocs que han estat premiats juntament amb el teu.
- Seguir com a mínim al Bloc que t'ha atorgat el premi.
- Informar als blocs del seu premi.
Aquí teniu la resposta a les onze preguntes de la Jana:
1.- ¿Qué materiales son imprescindibles para hacer Scrap? Els meus imprescindibles són les cartulines, els papers estampats d’scrap, cinta de doble cara, troqueladores, rotuladors de gel de colors, segells i washi tape.
2.- ¿Qué te gusta mas del Scrap? Per mi l’scrap es una font de desconnexió i de creativitat personal.
3.- ¿Qué técnica te gusta mas del Scrap? L’embossing en calent
4.- ¿Cual es tu color preferido? Quan faig scrap no tinc colors preferits; tinc combinacions de colors que m’agraden
5.- ¿Cómo descubriste el Scrap? Una noia va penjar un post sobre l’scrapbooking al forum Socpetit; vaig fer una cerca per internet i se’m va obrir tot un món de possibilitats
6.- Un Blog que te inspire... N’hi ha molts! M’inspiren les fotografies boniques, els tutorials senzills, els post plens de vivències i filosofia
7.- Una manía ... el clean & simple
8.- Lo que menos te gusta... l’scrap d’estil massa “carregat”
9.- ¿Mar o Montaña? M’encanta el mar però m’envolta gent de muntanya; així que només puc anar-hi un parell de dies a l’estiu L
10.- ¿Cómo o dónde te gusta relajar-te? Darrerament em relaxo llegint llibres de manualitats (les novel·les les tinc “aparcades” des de que tinc nenes), i fent scrap o cosint al vespre, quan les petites dormen i tinc una mica de temps...
11.- Otro hobby...: la fotografia, la costura i el patchwork
Aquí teniu la resposta a les onze preguntes de la Núria:
1.- Tu color preferido: No en tinc un de concret; quan era joveneta el blau marí...
2.- Un olor o perfume que te recuerde algo especial: La olor del bebés; la meva filla petita fa tan bona olor!!
3.- Que te hace relajar: Seure i mirar una bona pel·lícula
4.- Un lugar donde te gustaria perderte: Canadà
5.- Recuerdas un lugar o un viaje que haya significado un antes o un después en tu vida: Quan vaig estar estudiant a Alemanya.
6.- Estación del año preferida: L’estiu
7.- Un sueño que te gustaria realizar: Tornar als EUA i Canadà
8.- Un libro que te haya gustado: Una conxorxa d'enzes de John Kennedy Toole
9.- Casi todos tenemos una canción, cual es la tuya: Every breath you take de The police
10.- Aquella pelicula que nunca olvidaras: “Adivinia quién viene a cenar esta noche”
11.- Que cosa nunca faltaria en tu bolso: l’agenda
Aquí teniu onze coses sobre mi:
1.- La foto del perfil té uns quants anys i se’m veu més
joveneta... jejeje
2.- Quan era petita volia ser veterinària i ara treballo en
un lloc que hi té a veure
3.- Odio les matrius matemàtiques; un trauma d’institut i de
4.- Parlo quatre llengües comptant el català i el castellà5.- La xocolata negra és una debilitat ;-)
6.- Tinc marit i dues filles... i són el més important per mi!
7.- M’encanta l’estiu ! Prefereixo més passar calor que fred.
8.- L’arrós de verdures de la meva iaia és el meu plat preferit
9.- Casa meva és el desordre; quan les meves filles em deixin ho solucionaré!
10.- M’agradaria tenir més temps per poder fer més projectes i coses que m’agraden.
11.- He de confessar que en tota la meva vida escrapera només he fet dos LO; sóc de Mini Albums, no hi puc fer més...
Aquí teniu la llista d'onze blogs premiats (alguns han estat un descobriment recent)!!
.- La Georgina de Sants Paperets. Muacs!!
.- L'Apanona que fa unes ilustracions moníssimes!!
.- Confettis de colors que també és ilustradora
.- La cristina de Fem Manuals que fa uns cursets de manualitats per nens i adults xulíssims!!
.- Aquest grup de ganxetes (jo també havia estat ganxeta) que han fet unes guerrilles genials !
.- La Núria de la Capseta de música que cús unes coses moníssimes!!
.- La Maica de Berta i Polete que per mi ha estat una inspiració...
.- La Sònia de Cosir Joguines que és la companya de costura i sempre té magnífiques idees!! Muacs!
.- La Bet de Fent i desfent... aprèn l'aprenent! que ens ensenya el món amb els ulls de la Gina!
.- La Laura de pq no tot és blanc o negre... no ens oblidem dels colors...; m'encanten les cosestes d'scrap que fa i les seves fotografies!!
.- I Peanuts & nuts perquè cús com els àngels!!
Onze preguntes per les premiades:
1.- Quines
aficions tens?
2.- Quins són els teus materials imprescindibles per les
teves aficions?
3.- Quines tècniques t’agraden més?
4.- Quin blog t’inspira?
5.- Una mania:
6.- El que menys t’agrada... :
7.- Quin somni t’agradaria acomplir?
8.- Un llibre:
9.- Una pel·lícula:
10.- Una cançó:
11.- Com o a on t’agrada relaxar-te?
I could not even believe it! ... Last week I received for THREE TIMES the LIEBSTER AWARD:
First of all, Jana of Simplement Moments gave it to me and then Núria of Patch & Words; my fellow at patchwork lessons gave it twice. Many thanks to both of you for having thought of me and my "little corner" that recently has moved!
Take a look at their blogs because they both have nice things to tell and show!
Take a look at their blogs because they both have nice things to tell and show!
The prize consists of:
- Mention and thank the person that gave you award.
- List 11 things about yourself to know about you a bit more.
- Answer the 11 questions you've been asked.
- Ask 11 questions to the blogs that you award.
- Grant an award to 11 blogs that you like, and that are recently blogging and
have less than 200 followers.
- Visit the blogs that have been awarded together with yours.
- At least follow the Blog that has given you the award.
- Inform to the blogs you award.
- Mention and thank the person that gave you award.
- List 11 things about yourself to know about you a bit more.
- Answer the 11 questions you've been asked.
- Ask 11 questions to the blogs that you award.
- Grant an award to 11 blogs that you like, and that are recently blogging and
have less than 200 followers.
- Visit the blogs that have been awarded together with yours.
- At least follow the Blog that has given you the award.
- Inform to the blogs you award.
Here are the answers to the eleven questions from Jana:
1. - What materials are necessary to Scrap? My essential are cardstock, scrap papers, double-sided tape, stampers, colored gel pens, stamps and washi tape.
2. - What do you like best about Scrap? For me scraping is a source of personal creativity and disconnection.
3. - Which scrap technique do you like best? Embossing
4. - What is your favorite color? When I scrap I have no favorite colors, I have color combinations that I like
5. - How did you discover Scrapbooking? A girl posted about it on the forum Socpetit, I did a search on the internet and it opened up a world of possibilities
6. - A blog that inspires you ... There are so many! I am inspired by beautiful photographs, simple tutorials, and posts about personal experiences and Philosophy
7. - An obsession... clean & simple style
8. - What you dislike ... schavy style
9. - Sea or Mountain? I love the sea but everybody around me loves mountain, so I can only go to the beach for a couple of days in summer
10. - How or where you like to relax? Lately I relax reading craft books, sewing or scraping in the evening... if my little girls let me to do so...
11. - ... Another hobby: photography, sewing and patchwork
1. - What materials are necessary to Scrap? My essential are cardstock, scrap papers, double-sided tape, stampers, colored gel pens, stamps and washi tape.
2. - What do you like best about Scrap? For me scraping is a source of personal creativity and disconnection.
3. - Which scrap technique do you like best? Embossing
4. - What is your favorite color? When I scrap I have no favorite colors, I have color combinations that I like
5. - How did you discover Scrapbooking? A girl posted about it on the forum Socpetit, I did a search on the internet and it opened up a world of possibilities
6. - A blog that inspires you ... There are so many! I am inspired by beautiful photographs, simple tutorials, and posts about personal experiences and Philosophy
7. - An obsession... clean & simple style
8. - What you dislike ... schavy style
9. - Sea or Mountain? I love the sea but everybody around me loves mountain, so I can only go to the beach for a couple of days in summer
10. - How or where you like to relax? Lately I relax reading craft books, sewing or scraping in the evening... if my little girls let me to do so...
11. - ... Another hobby: photography, sewing and patchwork
Here are the answers to the eleven questions of Núria:
1. - Your favorite color: I have no particular color, when I was young my favorite was navy ...
2. - A scent or perfume that has something special: The smell of babies, my youngest girls smells so good!
3. - What makes you relax: Sitting and watching a good movie
4. - A place where you would like to get lost: Canada
5. - Remember a place or a trip of significance for you; somewhere with one before or after in your life: When I was studying in Germany.
6. - Favorite season: Summer
7. - A dream that you would like to fullfil: Return to visit U.S. and Canada
8. - A book you have enjoyed: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
1. - Your favorite color: I have no particular color, when I was young my favorite was navy ...
2. - A scent or perfume that has something special: The smell of babies, my youngest girls smells so good!
3. - What makes you relax: Sitting and watching a good movie
4. - A place where you would like to get lost: Canada
5. - Remember a place or a trip of significance for you; somewhere with one before or after in your life: When I was studying in Germany.
6. - Favorite season: Summer
7. - A dream that you would like to fullfil: Return to visit U.S. and Canada
8. - A book you have enjoyed: A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
9. - Your song: Every Breath You Take by The Police
10. - A film you will never forget: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"
11. - A thing never missing in you bag: a Diary
10. - A film you will never forget: "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner"
11. - A thing never missing in you bag: a Diary
Here are eleven things about me:
1. - The profile photo is several years old and I look much more younger ... lol
2. - When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian and now I work in a place dealing with them
3. - I hate Matrices (maths); a trauma at High School and at University
4. - I speak four languages including Catalan and Spanish
5. - Black chocolate is a weakness;-)
6. - I have two daughters and husband ... and they are the most important to me!
7. - I love summer! I'd rather stay cool than get cold.
8. - The vegetable rice of my grandmother is my favorite dish
9. - My house is a mess, when I my daughters let me the time I will fix it!
10. - I wish I had more time to do more projects and things I like.
11. - I must confess that since I'm scrappimg I've only done two LO, I much prefer Mini Albums...
Here's the list of the eleven awarded blogs (some have been a recent discovery)! - The profile photo is several years old and I look much more younger ... lol
2. - When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian and now I work in a place dealing with them
3. - I hate Matrices (maths); a trauma at High School and at University
4. - I speak four languages including Catalan and Spanish
5. - Black chocolate is a weakness;-)
6. - I have two daughters and husband ... and they are the most important to me!
7. - I love summer! I'd rather stay cool than get cold.
8. - The vegetable rice of my grandmother is my favorite dish
9. - My house is a mess, when I my daughters let me the time I will fix it!
10. - I wish I had more time to do more projects and things I like.
11. - I must confess that since I'm scrappimg I've only done two LO, I much prefer Mini Albums...
Here's the list of the eleven awarded blogs (some have been a recent discovery)!
Eleven Questions for the awarded blogs:
1. - Which are your hobbies?
2. - Which are the essential materials for your hobbies?
3. - Which techniques do you like more?
4. - Which blog inspires you?
5. - An obsession:
6. - What do you like least ... :
7. - Which dream would you like to fulfill?
8. - A book:
9. - A movie:
10. - A song:
11. - How or where do you prefer to relax?
Moltes felicitats!! m'ha agradat conèixer-te una miqueta més :) Petons
ResponEliminaMooooooltes gràcies Txell!
ResponEliminaEls nens i nenes de Fem Manuals estan super orgullosos de rebre aquest premi que ens has otorgat!
Una abraçada molt artística i plena d'imaginació!
Cristina :)
Moltes gràcies Txell i al mateix temps moltes felicitats pels teus merescuts premis. Sempre és un plaer llegir-te.
ResponEliminaUn petó
Moltes gràcies Txell, i moltes felicitats pel premi. Disculpa però he estat una mica desconectada. Ara vaig a donar una volteta pel teu blog.
Moltes felicitats pels premis, segur que són ben merescuts!! Gràcies per passar pel meu blog i deixar un bonic comentari. Vaig a passejar una mica pel teu! Ptns
ResponEliminaMoltíssimes gràcies a totes pels vostres comentaris. Teniu uns blogs xulíssims i us mereixeu mooolts premis!!
Txell, gràcies per la teva menció!!! Ens anem seguint ;)
ResponEliminaQuina il·lusió fa rebre premis... Enhorabona a totes les guanyadores!
Moltíssimes gràcies pel vostres amables comentaris!! Vosaltres sou totes molt bones!