dilluns, 13 d’octubre del 2014

Mens sana in corpore sano

Estic vivint dies de canvis i de replantejaments en els àmbits professional i personal. Estic bé però l’esforç personal que representa portar un blog al dia amb continguts interessants, m’allunya de l’equilibri entre feina i gaudi. Fa dies que no toco el ganxet, ni l’scrap i que potser canvio les manualitats per l’esport. He  decidit posar equilibri al meu cos; amb reflexió i amb esport.

Potser d’aquí un mes me’n penedeixo o m’ho repenso i considero que tinc temps per tot; però, ara per ara, el meu temps prefereixo dedicar-lo a la meva família i al meu equilibri.

Us vull donar les gràcies, a tots els qui m’heu llegit tot aquest temps que he estat compartint les meves inquietuds amb vosaltres. Per mi ha estat un preciós premi personal pensar que algú s’ha molestat en llegir allò que jo he escrit i compartit.


I'm living days of changes and refocusing on both professional and personal levels. I'm fine, but I can’t take the personal effort of blogging an updating with interesting contents, these put me away from balance between work and pleasure. Since a long time I have not crocheted or done some scrapbooking and I will probably change crafts for sport. I’ve decided to balance my body; with reflection and sport.

Maybe in a month I regret or rethink about this and I think I have time for everything; but for the time being, I prefer to devote my time to my family and my balance.

I want to specially thank everyone who has read my posts during all this time I've been sharing my concerns with you. For me it was a lovely personal award to think anybody has bothered to read what I've written and shared.


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