Avui porto el "Making-of..." de les meves
fotografies al blog per a dies difícils i sense temps. Normalment
disposo d'equip adequat; tinc una Canon 40D que acompleix amb les
expectatives. Però entre setmana treballo les hores de llum dins
d'una oficina i només disposo de 20 minuts amb llum a l'hora de
dinar i me les he d'enginyar per poder fer fotos pels posts. Després
de donar-hi milers de voltes i de decebre'm amb la llum artificial
vaig trobar una solució per poder fer les fotos amb llum.
¿I que necessito? Cartolines de colors i un suport.
Aquí és on he fet anar la inventiva; faig servir el seient del
cotxe de suport. Si, si, ho heu llegit bé; el cotxe em proporciona
el suport i la solitud necessària per poder fer les fotos amb
tranquil·litat. L'aparco on em sembla; normalment un lloc amb poca
gent i que tingui ombra al seient per evitar ombres a les fotos.
I heus aquí la prova del que explico...
I explain you about the making-of photographs for the blog on
busy days with no time. Usually I use the suitable equipment; I own a
Canon 40D that fulfills my expectations. But during the week, I work
during daylight hours closed in an office and I only have 20 minutes
as free time at lunch time, so I've to manage to take photographs for
the posts during this gap of time. After so much thinking about it
and getting very disappointed with artificial light I've finally
found a solution to take photographs with light.
What do I need? Color cardboards and a basis support. This is where I achieved ingenuity; I use the car seat as basis support. Yes, you've read it right; the car provides me both; the basis support and necessary solitude to take photos with ease. I park it usually on places with few people and under the shadow, so that I avoid shadows in the photographs.
And here is proof of it ...
What do I need? Color cardboards and a basis support. This is where I achieved ingenuity; I use the car seat as basis support. Yes, you've read it right; the car provides me both; the basis support and necessary solitude to take photos with ease. I park it usually on places with few people and under the shadow, so that I avoid shadows in the photographs.
And here is proof of it ...