Aquesta primavera passada, aprofitant un cap de setmana a Ventajola vaig agafar la cámara i vam sortir a passejar...
This spring while I was spending a weekend in Ventajola, I took the camera and went for a walk...
Aquesta foto la vaig fer fa un parell d'anys però també és de Ventajola
Two years ago, I also took this photograph in Ventajola
dilluns, 30 de setembre del 2013
dimecres, 18 de setembre del 2013
Diada 2013 - National Day 2013
La Diada d’aquest
any ha estat marcada per la Via Catalana. Jo em vaig veure obligada a fer una
“celebració” un pèl diferent però molt emotiva i a la tarda vaig poder gaudir
d’una bona sardana a la Plaça del Monestir, cosa que la meva àvia hauria fet si
hagués pogut... Iaia no t’oblidarem! Aquí teniu alguns articles d’opinió de la
premsa internacional:
Washington Post 1
Washington Post 2
The New York Times
The Guardian
The Wall Street Journal
Der Spiegel
Die Welt
Neues Deutschland
Huffington Post
The National Day of this year has been marked by the Via Catalana. I was forced to make a very different "celebration" but very emotional indeed. In the evening I could enjoy Sardana Dancing at the Monastery, which for surely my grandmother would have done if she could ... Granny we will always remember you! Here you can find some related information published by international media:
Washington Post 2
The New York Times
The Guardian
The Wall Street Journal
Der Spiegel
Die Welt
Neues Deutschland
Huffington Post
A la meva manera...
I did it my way!
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