Els vaig comprar la primera vegada que vaig entrar al Patide Llibres. Tenia una panxa immensa de l’embaràs i no em podia moure gaire bé i la Sònia, molt amablement, em va treure tots els llibres de manualitats que tenia; sobretot relacionats amb l’scrapbooking.
I aleshores vaig fullejar aquests dos llibres i vaig “alucinar”...
Mare meva, quin munt d’idees i quins llibres més preciosos i ben explicats que
tenia a les mans!! Són un pou de saviesa i bones idees per fer àlbums i llibres
d’scrap de tota mena!!
Bé, no us explico res més... aquí us deixo un tastet!! De
debó que si us agrada fer àlbums, us els recomano; els podeu trobar o
encarregar al Pati de Llibres.
Today, I
want to explain and show you a sneak pick of some books I bought over a year
ago ... This things happen; I had much work to do and was pregnant and wanted
to show these "treasures" in stride.
I bought
them the first time I walked into the Pati de Llibres. I had a huge pregnancy
belly and I could not move very well and Sonia very kindly showed me all craft
books she had, especially related to scrapbooking.
And when I
opened them it was fascinating the huge amount of ideas and I thought they were
so lovely and well explained! They are a well of wisdom and good ideas to make
albums and scrap books of all kinds!
Well, I
better don’t tell anymore ... Here you have a sneak pick! Seriously, if you
enjoy scrapbooking, I recommend them, you can find or order them in Pati
At Home with Handmade Books by Erin Zamrzla
Making Handmade Books 100 + Bindings by Alisa Golden