Aquí teniu la materialització d'un "Pais de pandereta"!
Però si realment voleu aprofundir en el tema entreu a twitter i feu servir el hastag #paisdepandereta on trobareu veritables "perles"!
Today, I've discovered browsing by Decora tu alma, a priceless humorous post about our quote "España de pandereta", which is an expression used to refer to a cheap commercial folklore and touristy country/Spain.
Alberto Arza, as he defines himself, is a designer and in his studio combines his work with the research work in fields such as design, food and public space. But the best part of it, is that his projects are characterized by experimentation, multidisciplinary and the sense of humor ...
Here is the materialization of a "Spain of tambourine!"
But if you really feel like to learn more about the subject, sign in to twitter using the hastag
# paisdepandereta, where you could find real "gems" featured!